
10-13-17-20-24 Maggio 2021

I nostri moduli

Imparerai a comunicare meglio attraverso le seguenti skills:

Corporate Identity e Linea guida stili

come comunicare il tuo brand usando strumenti e strategie

Talking Points

come essere sempre pronto a presentare il tuo messaggio nel migliore dei modi

Public Speaking

come proporre presentazioni efficaci di fronte ad un pubblico

Networking e PR

come utilizzare e gestire al meglio il tuo network

International Protocol & Etiquette Guidelines

come scrivere utilizzare una comunicazione corretta in tutte le situazioni ufficiali (scrittura, ordine saluti, a tavola, cene multi culturali, etichette business, dress code, ...)

Social Media

come sfruttare le opportunità che i social e l'online oggi offrono

Mass Media

come scrivere un comunicato stampa, come organizzare una conferenza stampa e come gestire una intervista TV / Radio
  • Thank you! Great location, good food, great content, awesome trainers! It was a great experience!
    2019 PR & Media Academy
  • Professional organized. I'm so happy yo have the chance to attend the Academy. Professional trainers too and the it was important to learn about the subjects!
    2018 PR & Media Academy
  • The academy contents met my expectation. Everything was well-structured and well-organized. We've learnt very valuable secrets of media and enriched our knowledge. The timing was intensive but I like it. The trainers were professional and supportive. I didn't feel bored throught out the training which is a plus! :)
    2018 PR & Media Academy
  • Everything was very well. Food, hotel location and trainers perfect!
    2017 PR & Media Academy

Email: prma@jciitaly.org
